Implementing SQF Systems – Manufacturing

For those sites preparing for SQF certification or those already certified looking to train  up new staff, having a clear understanding of the requirements of the SQF Food Safety  Code is a top priority. 

With a focus on implementation, the Implementing SQF System course provides  attendees the opportunity to align existing food safety programs with SQF Code  requirements or improve an existing SQF System with improved knowledge of the Code.  Attendees will walk away with an understanding of the interconnectedness of the SQF  elements that can help drive continuous improvement of food safety programs. 


New food safety practitioner; back up food safety practitioner; anyone  wanting to learn how to implement and maintain an SQF System. 


16 hours (may vary slightly when held in the virtual classroom or blended  format). 


This instructor-led course is offered in-person: either in the classroom, the  virtual classroom, or a combination of the two.

Activity-driven delivery

Attendees work in small peer groups guided by their instructor.

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May 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM


May 17, 2024 at 10:00 PM

Training Center:

NSF Food Safety Certification, LLC


380 USD


Central America


South America


Spanish (Mexican)