From Problem to Prevention: Implement Effective Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Actions

This digital seminar with Eurofins Food Assurance discusses the powerful duo of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Corrective Actions (CA). Learn how to uncover the underlying reasons behind problems – not just address the symptoms. By implementing effective corrective actions based on your RCA, you can prevent issues from recurring and ensure long-term success.

More Digital Seminars

The What’s Next - Preparing to Meet FSMA 204 Requirements - Tools and Resources

This video is the final webinar of a four-part series about FSMA Rule 204 and goes into detail about how you can prepare to meet the requirements.

Your Guide to Risk Based Food Safety Decision Making
Your Guide to Risk-Based Food Safety Decision Making [Unlocking the Secret to SQF]

Listen in on a valuable discussion and live Q&A session, led by Denise Webster, a food safety consultant and trainer from Food Brand Protection.